Hometown USA Stage
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Hometown USA Stage

August 15:
5 PM - Fox 17 Weather Preparedness & On-Air Forecast, Katy Morgan

August 16:
7 PM - What NOT to Plant in your Yard, Lucas Holman

August 17:

11:30AM - Cornbread Challenge
1:30 PM - Festival of Breads
2:30 PM - Caring for Cast Iron, Wilson Co. Cast Iron Community
4 PM - Big Beef Showdown Awards
6 PM Rose Gardening, Ron Daniels (Giveaways!)

August 18:
12 PM - Apple & Pecan Pie Contests
2 PM - Banana Pudding Contest
7 PM - Flower Arranging for the Average Person, Sunshine Flowers

August 19:
7 PM - Mighty Miracles Kitten Rescue, Stephanie Bose

August 20:
7 PM - Oh for the Love - Adopt & Rescue Nick & Deb Beres, with Michael Cunningham

August 21:
6 PM - Let’s Set Up Beekeeping in the Back Yard
7 PM - What’s a Pollinator Garden?

August 22:
7 PM - Spelling Bee

August 23:
6 PM - Don’t Kill That Snake!

August 24:
10 AM - Wool Events: Make It With Wool, Wool Workshop, Garmet Fit Judging, Fashion Show/Awards, Weaving Demos
7 PM - Up & Down Closet Fashion Show for Women
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