Youth Farm Crops & Garden
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Youth Farm Crops & Garden

Information for Competitors

Co-Chairs: Emily Smith, Becca Herrera & Matt Gentry

Located in the Farm Bureau Expo Center

Exhibits will be entered between 4:00 - 7:00 PM on Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
Bring entries to the Expo Center.

  1. All articles are exhibited at owner’s risk, but all reasonable precautions will be taken.
  2. Prizes will be awarded on the decision of the judge.
  3. Vegetables will be judged on quality (uniform in size, fresh, firm & undamaged; free of disease & insects.) If only one entry in class, it will not automatically win first place.
  4. No person may enter more than one entry in any one lot.
  5. All vegetables & fruits must be grown in the 2024 season by exhibitor.
  6. All exhibits must be grown on home farm.
  7. Premiums will be paid on Sunday, August 24 , from 1:00 - 3:00 PM. You must pick up your entries during that time, with the exception of Class 3, Lots 1-5 and all of Class 4, which are property of the Fair.
  8. Competition open to Wilson County Youth only, ages 5-18.
  9. Due to limited space, only winning entries in class 3 and class 4 will be displayed, all non-winning entries will be donated to food banks in Wilson County.

Class 1: Silage

Premiums: 1st - $12 • 2nd - $9 • 3rd - $7

1. Corn Silage (1 gallon bag)
2. Other Silage (1 gallon bag)

Class 2: Hay

Premiums: 1st - $12 • 2nd - $9 • 3rd - $7

(A block of hay in this class must be taken from a regular bale)

1. Legumes other than Clover - Alfalfa/Lespedeza
2. Cool season perennials
3. Warm season perennials
4. Cool season - annuals
5. Warm season - annuals
6. Mixed Grass/Legume combination

Class 3: Truck Crops

Premiums: 1st - $12 • 2nd - $9 • 3rd - $7

1. Corn - White (3 ears)
2. Corn - Yellow (3 ears)
3. Potatoes - Irish (3)
4. Potatoes - Red Skinned (3)
5. Potatoes - Sweet (3)
6. Pumpkin (Jack O’Lantern Type)
7. Watermelon (long)
8. Watermelon (round)

Class 4: Fruits & Vegetables

Premiums: 1st - $12 • 2nd - $9 • 3rd - $7
1. Apples, Red (3)
2. Apples, Yellow (3)
3. Beans, Bush (5)
4. Beans, Lima (5)
5. Beans, Pole (5)
6. Cucumbers (3)
7. Eggplant (1)
8. Field Peas (5)
9. Grapes, 1 Cluster of Blue, White & Pink
10. Okra Pods (5)
11. Onions, Red (3)
12. Onions, White (3)
13. Onions, Yellow (3)
14. Peaches, White or Yellow (3)
15. Pears (3)
16. Peppers, Banana (3)
17. Peppers, Bell, Green (3)
18. Peppers, Bell, Red (3)
19. Peppers, Bell, Yellow (3)
20. Peppers, Green, Hot (3)
21. Peppers, Red, Hot (3)
22. Peppers, Pimento, Red (3)
23. Squash, Spaghetti (1)
24. Squash, White (3)
25. Squash, Yellow (3)
26. Squash, Zucchini (3)
27. Squash, Butternut (1)
28. Tomatoes, Cherry (10)
29.Tomatoes, Pink (3)
30.Tomatoes, Red (3)
31.Tomatoes, Yellow (3)
32.Tomatoes, Heirloom (3)

Class 5: Biggest Vegetables & Fruits

Premiums: 1st - $12 • 2nd - $9 • 3rd - $7

Display of entries will be dependent on availability of space.

1. Biggest Apple (wt.)
2. Biggest Cantaloupe (wt.)
3. Biggest Cucumber (wt.)
4. Biggest Gourd (wt.)
5. Biggest Onion (wt.)
6. Biggest Peach (wt.)
7. Biggest Pear (wt.)
8. Biggest Potato (wt.)
9. Biggest Squash (wt.)
10. Biggest Sunflower Head (dia.)
11. Biggest Sweet Potato (wt.)
12. Biggest Tomato (wt.)
13. Longest Cucumber
14. Longest Dipper Gourd
15. Longest Ear of Corn
16. Longest Green Bean
17. Tallest Corn Stalk (len.)
18. Tallest Stalk of Tobacco (len.)
19. Tallest Sunflower (len.) *NEW*

Class 6: Super Biggest

Premiums: 1st - $25 • 2nd - $20 • 3rd - $15
1. Pumpkin (wt.)
2. Watermelon (wt.)

Class 7: Garden Vegetable Table Display

Raised in home garden this year.
(Minimum of 8 different fruits or vegetables arranged in suitable container with a waterproof liner.)

Premiums: 1st - $15 • 2nd - $13 • 3rd - $11 • 4th - $9 • 5th - $7 • 6th - $5

Class 8: Decorated Entry

Premiums:1st - $15 • 2nd - $10 • 3rd - $5

1. Gourd
2. Pumpkin
3. Other
4. Scarecrow (must be freestanding & at least 3’ tall)
5. Grain & Seed
6. Fairy Garden *NEW*
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