Emily Smith, Becca Herrera &
Matt Gentry
Located in the
Farm Bureau Expo Center
Exhibits will be entered between
4:00 - 7:00 PM on
Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
Bring entries to the Expo Center.
- All articles are exhibited at owner’s
risk, but all reasonable precautions
will be taken.
- Prizes will be awarded on the decision of the judge.
- Vegetables will be judged on quality
(uniform in size, fresh, firm & undamaged; free of disease & insects.)
If only one entry in class, it will not
automatically win first place.
- No person may enter more than one
entry in any one lot.
- All vegetables & fruits must be
grown in the 2024 season by exhibitor.
- All exhibits must be grown on home farm.
- Premiums will be paid on Sunday, August
, from 1:00 - 3:00 PM. You must pick up
your entries during that time, with the exception of Class 3, Lots 1-5 and all of Class
4, which are property of the Fair.
- Competition open to Wilson County Youth
only, ages 5-18.
- Due to limited space, only winning entries
in class 3 and class 4 will be displayed, all
non-winning entries will be donated to
food banks in Wilson County.