Adult Family Consumer Sciences
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Home > Competitions > Wilson County Competitions > Creative Arts > Adult Family Consumer Sciences
Date of Show: August 15-24, 2024
Time of Show: During Fair Hours
Location: Expo Center - South Hall


Chairman: Frances Baker, (615) 310-1249
Advisor: Sami Strong, (615) 444-9584
Register online or all entries must be brought to the Farm Bureau Expo Center and register each entry.
1. No person may enter more than one exhibit in any one lot.
2. Prizes will be awarded on decision of the judges.
3. All exhibits must be entered between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM on Friday, August 9, 2024 and Saturday, August 10, 2024 .
4. All exhibits are to be removed Sunday, August 25, 2024 between the hours of 1:00 and 3:00 PM. Claim stubs are needed to pick up entry items.
5. All entries must have been made since August 1, 2023 with the exception of antique quilts.
6. Entries must have NEVER been exhibited before.
7. Soiled articles will NOT be accepted.
8. Exhibitors must be 19 years old or older.
9. Entries must be crafted by exhibitor to be eligible. Commercially produced items will be disqualified.
10. Competition open only to Wilson County residents or members of Wilson County Family and Community Education Clubs.
11. Wilson County Promotions will not be responsible for any loss or damage to entries.
12. No entry may be removed before the date and time specified in rule number 4.
13. Wilson County Promotions will not be responsible for any entry left past the time specified in rule #4.
14. Any winning entry that does not comply with rule #5 & rule #6 will be disqualified.
15. Best of Show ribbons will be awarded in each division. Each Best of Show ribbon winner will win additional prize money for that award.
16. For specific food preservation rules, please see separate instructions under Food Preservation section.
17. No exhibitors will be allowed in the exhibition area during judging at the request of the judges and at the discretion of the Chairman. This will be enforced.

Division I: Food Preservation

Premiums: 1st - $12 • 2nd - $9 ~ 3rd - $7

Wilson County residents must enter in the same classes & lots in the Wilson County Competitions to enter in the State Canning Competition.

All entries must be entered in clean, standard canning jars (e.g. no mayonnaise jars or specialty jars) with new, single use two piece lids and rings. Fancy fabric overlays or cozies interfere with judging and should not be used. Exhibits should be canned using tested, reliable recipes, i.e. USDA, Ball, pectin brand name or National Center for Home Food Preservation guidelines issued 2009 or later.

Completed Wilson County Fair Food Preservation labels are required for all entries and should be attached to entry. No substitutions. Downloadable labels are located on the top of this page.

Unsealed exhibits or products showing signs of spoilage or mold will not be judged. Products deemed unsafe will be emptied of its contents, empty jars will be returned to exhibitor at the official pick up day (Sunday following close of fair.) USDA guidelines will be used in judging food preservation. Products should be prepared and processed according to USDA/Extension information. Tested, reliable recipes must be used. For more information about tested reliable recipes go to
Class 1 - Jam, Jelly, Preserves-Canned
LOT (Pint or half pint)
1. Blackberry Jam
2. Blueberry Jam
3. Strawberry Jam
4. Strawberry Preserves
5. Pear Preserves
6. Peach Preserves
7. Plum Preserves
8. Cherry Preserves
9. Plum Butter
10. Peach Butter
11. Apple Butter
12. Grape Jelly
13. Apple Jelly
14. Blackberry Jelly
15. Plum Jelly
16. Raspberry Jelly
17. Peach Jelly
18. Blueberry Jelly
19. Pepper Jelly
20. Mint Jelly
21. Marmalade, any kind
22. Conserves, any kind

Class 2 - Pickles - Canned
LOT (Pint or Quart)
1. Bread and Butter Pickles
2. Beet Pickles
3. Cinnamon Pickles
4. Sweet Pickles, Sliced
5. Sweet Pickles, Whole
6. Squash Pickles
7. Okra Pickles
8. Peach Pickles
9. Pickled Brussel Sprouts
10. Pickled Pears
11. Pickled Peppers
12. Pickled Carrots
13. Pickled Green Beans
14. Pickled Onions
15. Pickled Green Tomatoes
16. Dill Sliced
17. Dill Whole
18. Dill Spears
Class 3 - Relishes - Canned
LOT (Pint or Quart)
1. Chile Salsa
2. Chow Chow
3. Pepper Relish
4. Pickle Relish
5. Corn Relish
6. Green Tomato Relish
7. Pear Relish
8. Salsa
9. Squash Relish
10.Dill Relish
11.Chutney, any kind

Class 4 - Vegetables - Canned
LOT (Pint or Quart)
1. Green Beans
2. Tomatoes
3. Tomato Juice
4. Soup Mixture
5. English Peas
6. Potatoes
7. Carrots
8. Shellie Green Beans
9. Field Peas
10. Corn, Creamed
11. Corn, Whole Kernel
12. Okra
13. Mixed Vegetables
14. Purple Hull Peas
15. Turnip Greens
Class 5 - Fruits - Canned
LOT (Pint or Quart)
1. Peaches
2. Pears
3. Blackberries
4. Apples
5. Applesauce
6. Apricots
7. Cherries
8. Blueberries
9. Plums
10. Apple Juice
11. Pie Filling, Any Kind

Class 6 - Dehydrated Fruits, Dehydrated Vegetables & Jerky
LOT (Pint Jars)
1. Apples
2. Peaches
3. Fruit Leather
4. Field Peas
5. Beans - Lima
6. Beef Jerky
7. Deer Jerky

Class 7 - Herbs, Dehydrated
LOT (Half Pint or Pint)
1. Basil
2. Dill, Crushed
3. Mint
4. Oregano
5. Parsley
6. Sage
7. Thyme
8. Cilantro
9. Rosemary
10. Bay Leaves
11. Herb Blend

Division II: Sewing

Premiums: 1st - $12 • 2nd - $9 • 3rd - $7

All sewing entries must be constructed by exhibitor.
Class 1 - Adult Ready-To-Wear
1. Jacket
2. Skirt
3. Pants
4. Shirt
5. Aprons (homemade)
6. Casual Wear, 1 or 2 Piece
7. Best Dressed Informal
8. Formal Wear
9. Accessories
10. Miscellaneous - constructed

Class 2 - Children's Ready-to-Wear
1. Casual Wear, Boy
2. Casual Wear, Girl
3. Best Dressed Informal, Boy
4. Best Dressed Informal, Girl
5. Party Wear, Child
6. Shirt
7. Blouse
8. Skirt
9. Costume
10. Miscellaneous
Class 3 - Clothing
1. Applique
2. Embroidery - Clothing
3. Clothing - Machine Quilted
4. Clothing - Hand Quilted

Class 4 - Infant Ready-to-Wear
1. Booties
2. Burp Cloths
3. Bibs
4. Misc. (other than above)

Class 5 - Clothing (Doll Clothes)
1. Dress
2. Pants
3. Skirt
4. Blouse
5. Accessory

Division III: Related Arts & Crafts

Premiums: 1st - $12 • 2nd - $9 • 3rd - $7
Class 1 - General Crafts
All jewelry entries to be in box or zip top bag.
1. Handmade Fabric Doll
2. Handmade Stuffed Toy
3. Handmade Toy (other than stuffed)
4. Ceramics
5. Jewelry Pin
6. Jewelry Necklace
7. Jewelry Bracelet
8. Jewelry Earrings
9. Jewelry Miscellaneous
10. Decorated Clay Pot
11. Wreath other than holiday
12. Decoupage
13. Scherenschnitte
14. Wood (Miniature-less than 12”) 15. Wood (Small-between 12” and 24”)
16. Wood (Large-larger than 24”, not to exceed 3’ wide, 4’ long and 50lbs.)
17. Leather
18. Table Decoration (other than holiday)
19. Items made from Recycled Material (Small - under 24”)
20. Items made from Recycled Material (Large - 25” or above but not exceed 3’ & no more than 50lbs.) 21. Items made from Duct Tape
22. Quilling
23. Items made from Wilson County Fair Ribbons (must be ribbons won by exhibitor from previous years)
24. Gift Wrapping (shirt box size Christmas
25. Decorated Gift Bag (Paper - any size) *NEW*
26. Deco Mesh Arrangements
27. Table Runner (non holiday)
28. Diamond Dotz Freestyle
29. Diamond Dotz (Kit - size up to 12”)
30. Diamond Dotz (Kit - size 13” to 18”)
31. Diamond Dotz (Kit - size 19” or larger)
32. Origami
33. Fabric Basket
34. Misc. Crafts (other than above)

Class 2 - Greeting Cards
All entries should be in Ziploc Bag
1. Iris Folding
2. Stamped Greeting
3. Pen & Ink Greeting
4. Easter Card
5. Halloween Card
6. Thanksgiving Card
7. Christmas Card
8. Holiday Card (other than above)
9. Birthday
10. Miscellaneous

Class 3 - Scrapbooking (1 page)
1. Birthday
2. Sports
3. Easter
4. Halloween
5. Thanksgiving
6. Christmas
7. Computerized Scrapbook *NEW*
8. Misc. (other than above)

Class 4 - Decorative Painting, Tole Painting and Stenciling
1. Tote Bag - Painted
2. Painting - Flowers
3. Painting - Scenery
4. Painting - Animals
5. Painting - Miscellaneous
6. Stenciling other than tote bags
7. Decorated Clothing Articles - Painted
8. Crayon Coloring on Fabric

Class 5 - Crochet
1. Tablecloth
2. Pillow
3. Baby Dress
4. Baby Sweater
5. Baby Cap
6. Sweater
7. Doll Clothes
8. Vest
9. Edging
10. Scarf
11. Afghan - Popcorn Stitch
12. Afghan - Granny Square
13. Afghan - Ripple
14. Afghan - Raised Flower
15. Afghan - Baby
16. Afghan - Miscellaneous
17. Doily - Large
18. Doily - Small
19. Bedspread
20. Collars
21. Purse or Bags
22. Toys (Small up to 12”)
23. Toys (Large 13” & above)
24. Adult Hats
25. Shawl
26. Crochet - Miscellaneous

Class 6 - Knitting
1. Afghan
2. Sweater
3. Scarf
4. Baby Sweater
5. Baby Cap
6. Vest
7. Socks
8. Edging
9. Hat
11. Shawl
12. Gloves
13. Miscellaneous
Class 7 - General Needle Work
1. Hooked Rug Kit
2. Hook Rug Freestyle
3. Place Mats (Set of Two)
4. Decorated Clothing - Stitched Appliqué
5. Tablecloth - Embroidery and/or Cross Stitch
6. Towels, Dish or Hand (completely handmade)
7. Towel, Dish or Hand (bought and decorated)
8. Swedish Weaving
9. Tatting
10. Pillow - Embroidered
11. Pillow - Stitched Appliqué
12. Pillow - Cross Stitching
13. Pillow – Pieced
14. Pillow – Misc. (other than above) 15. Needlepoint
16. Needlepoint on Plastic Canvas 17. Embroidery – Plain
18. Embroidery – Ribbon
19. Embroidery – Satin Stitch
20. Plain Cross Stitch
21. Tote Bag – Fabric
22. Needlework – Misc.
23. Braided Rug
24. Decorated Clothing - Misc.
Class 8 - Cross Stitch
(Framed items must have hanger tab or wire)
1. Cross Stitch - 6-11
2. Cross Stitch - 12-17
3. Cross Stitch - 18-22
4. Cross Stitch - Over 22

Class 9 - Holiday Crafts, Amateurs Only
Must be a holiday theme, no seasonal. (Hanging frames must have hanger tab or wire)
1. Christmas Table Decorations
2. Valentine Table Decorations *NEW*
3. Easter Table Decorations
4. Halloween Table Decorations
5. Thanksgiving Table Decorations
6. Misc. Holiday Table Decorations (other holidays not listed)
7. Holiday Table Runner
8. Christmas Door Decorations
9. Valentine Door Decorations *NEW*
10. Easter Door Decorations
11. Halloween Door Decorations
12. Thanksgiving Door Decorations
13. Miscellaneous Holiday Door Decorations (other holidays not listed)
14. Christmas Ornament (1) Counted Cross Stitch
15. Christmas Ornament (1) Needlepoint on Plastic Canvas
16. Christmas Ornament (1) Crochet
17. Christmas Ornament (1) Hand Painted
18. Christmas Ornament (1) Cork
19. Christmas Ornament (1) Gnome
20. Christmas Ornament (1) Angels (Small up to 6”)
21. Christmas Ornament (1) Angels (Large 7” & above)
22. Christmas Ornament (1) Beaded
23. Christmas Ornament (1) Santa Claus
24. Christmas Ornament (1) Snowman
25. Christmas Ornament (1) Nativity
26. Christmas Ornament (1) Fabric
27. Christmas Ornament (1) Misc.
28. Christmas Stocking
29. Holiday Clothing
30. Christmas Tree Skirt Misc.
31. Holiday Pillow
32. Misc. Holiday Crafts (not listed above)

Class 10 - Quilts
1. Hand Pieced and Hand Quilted
2. Hand Pieced and Machine Quilted 3. Machine Pieced and Hand Quilted 4. Patriotic Quilt
5. Appliqued Hand Quilted
6. Cross Stitch Hand Quilted
7. Multiple Technique Hand Quilted
8. Multiple Technique Machine Quilted
9. Wall Hanging Hand Quilted
10. Wall Hanging Machine Quilted
11. Wall Hanging - Small 40”
12. Wall Hanging - Large 55”
13. Miniature Quilt (less than 20”) - Hand Quilted
14. Miniature Quilt (less than 20”) - Machine Quilted
15. Quilt - Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted (Large)
16. Quilt - Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted (Baby)
17. Machine Applique Machine Quilted (Large)
18. Machine Applique Machine Quilted (Baby)
19. T-Shirt Quilt
20. Art or Collage Quilt
21. No-Sew Quilt
22. Couch Throws - 50”x75”
23. Paper Piecing
24. Holiday Quilt
25. Strip Quilt
26. Machine Quilted Misc.
27. Hand Quilted Misc.
28. Club Quilts - Must be made as a joint effort by the club entering it and never have been entered at a previous fair. (This includes FCE, Senior Citizen Groups, etc.)

Antique quilts and coverlets must be at least 45 years old. A short typed history of item must be included.
29. Antique Quilt
30. Antique Quilt Top made years ago but not made into a quilt
Class 11 - Basketry - No Fabric
(Fabric basket can be found in class 1, Lot 33)
1. Decorative
2. Market (Small)
3. Market (Large)
4. Classic Utility (must have specific work usage: egg, pie, picnic etc.)
5. Solid Bottom Utility Basket (must have specific work usage: egg, pie, picnic, etc.)
6. Quilt Basket *NEW*
7. Shaker Cat Head Basket
8. Native Materials (honeysuckle, grapevine, wood, bark, straw, etc.)
9. Antique (45 years old or more, please provide a brief history on a 3x5 card)
10. Misc. Basket, not listed above

Class 12 - Gourds
1. Classic Utility Gourd (bowl, bird house, ladle, etc.)
2. Decorated Gourd
3. Gourd Jewelry
4. Christmas Tree Ornament
5. Holiday Decoration
6. Southwest Theme Gourd
7. Pine Needle Weaving Gourd
8. Woodburning Gourd
9. Misc. Gourd (not listed above)

Class 13 - Spinning/Weaving

1. Handspun Animal Fiber Skein
2. Wool, felted items
3. Woven Garment (woven fabric - coat, vest, jacket, etc.)
4. Woven Accessories (pillow, rug, placemats (2), table runner, bag table toppers, etc.)
5. Peg Loom Weaving
6. Inkel Loom Weaving
7. Triangle Loom Weaving
8. Misc. (Not listed above)

Class 14 - Tie Dye
1. Adult Clothing T-Shirts
2. Adult Clothing all other
3. Children’s Clothing
4. Accessories
5. Miscellaneous

Class 15 - Current Trends
1. Gnomes - Painting-any medium (canvas, flower pot, wood etc.)
2. Gnomes - Sewn
3. Gnomes - Christmas, other than ornament
4. Rock Painting (Small)
5. Rock Painting (Large)
6. Cork Art (Small), other than ornament
7. Cork Art (Large)
8. Resin Art
9. Finger Weaving
10. Paint by Number
11. Acrylic Paint Pour Art
12. Coloring Page - colored pencils
13. Coloring Page - art markers *NEW*
14. Pin Cushions (Small) *NEW*
15. Pin Cushions (Large) *NEW*
16. Fabric Gift Bags *NEW*
17. Craft Cutting Machine Items *NEW*
18. Grain & Seed Art

Class 16 - Agricultural Commodity
(These items must feature the current year's agricultural commodity. Year of Wheat & Small Grains)
1. Sewn Item: Clothing
2. Sewn Item: Other
3. Paper Craft
4. Toy
5. Jewelry
6. Wreath
7. Table Decoration
8. Painting
9. Cross-Stitch
10. Needle Work (non-cross-stitch)
11. Holiday
12. Quilt
13. Wall Hanging
14. Miscellaneous (not listed above)
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