Wool Show
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Wool Show

Chairmen: Mark Powell & Ben Powell

Entry Deadline: Saturday, August 10th
Location: Made in Tennessee Building

Premiums for Wool Show
1st - $25 • 2nd - $20
3rd - $18 • 4th - $15
5th - $10 • 6th - $8 • 7th - $7
Champion & Reserve Champion – Rosette

1. Exhibitors may not show more than two (2) entries in one class.
2. All fleeces will be received on Saturday, August 10th from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Made in Tennessee Building or may be left at the Fair Office.
3. Fleeces may be removed from the show on Sunday, August 25th, between 1 - 4 p.m. Entries not claimed will become the property of Wilson County Promotions.
4. All fleeces entered except wool from commercial ewes must have been
removed from purebred sheep recorded in their respective registry association.
5. All wool should be shown in clear plastic bags with flesh side out.

1. Natural Colored Ram
2. Natural Colored Ewe
3. Other Wool Breeds Ram
4. Other Wool Breeds Ewe
5. Cheviot Ram
6. Cheviot Ewe
7. Dorset Ram
8. Dorset Ewe
9. Hampshire Ram
10. Hampshire Ewe
11. Icelandic Ram
12. Icelandic Ewe
13. Southdown Ram
14. Southdown Ewe
15. Baby doll Southdown Ram *NEW*
16. Baby doll Southdown Ewe *NEW*
17. Other Meat Breeds Ram
18. Other Meat Breeds Ewe
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