State Flower Show
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State Flower Show



1. Competition open to Tennessee Residents only. Must be over 18 years old
2. Exhibits will be entered at the Made in Tennessee Building on Tuesday, August 12 from 1-8 PM and on Weds., August 13 from 10 AM - 3 PM. NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED AFTER 3 PM, THOSE IN LINE WILL BE SERVED.
3. Pre-registration is available & strongly encouraged online until Aug. 12.
4. Wilson County Residents entering in the State Flower Competition must also be entered in the Wilson County Fair Flower Show in the same Lot (see pg. 34)
5. All entries must be identified by exhibitor for class placement. Please label flowers by lot.
6. All articles are exhibited at owner’s risk, but all reasonable precautions will be taken for protection of items.
7. No person may enter more than one item per lot or subclass.
8. Prizes will be awarded on the decision of the judges.
9. All plants/containers entered must be free from insects & disease. Diseased plants will be discarded.
10. The Chairman may subdivide any class by color, type and/or cultivar.
11. Premiums will be paid & exhibits must be removed on Sunday, August 24 between 1-3 PM.

Premiums: 1st - $10 • 2nd - $6 • 3rd - $4 Best of Show Each Division - Rosette

Arrangements (Cut Specimens Only)

1. All arrangements must contain plant material that is grown by exhibitor.
2. Vases must be full and all leaves must be above the water.
3. Exhibitors may use dried plant material, contrived flowers and other forms made from recognizable plant materials.
4. No artificial flowers, vegetables or foliage will be permitted.
5. Fresh plant material may not be embellished or treated by application of any substance.
6. The show committee will furnish tables and pedestals.
7. Exhibits that utilize living creatures will not be permitted.
8. Neither the official American Flag, other national flags nor any other accessories may be used within any arrangement

Fresh Arrangements

Monochromatic arrangements, including the container, must be entirely in shades of the featured color. (For example, in a monochromatic green arrangement, all plant material must be in shades of green & displayed in a green container. Minimal green foliage is permitted in monochromatic arrangements featuring other colors.)
Lot 1: Monochromatic Arrangement - Green plant material & container
Lot 2: Monochromatic Arrangement - White plant material & container
Lot 3: Monochromatic Arrangement - Any other color plant material & container
Lot 4: Marigolds Arrangement
Lot 5: Herb Arrangement
Lot 6: Zinnias Arrangements - Small bloom 3” or less
Lot 7: Zinnias Arrangements - Large bloom, over 3”
Lot 8: Mixed Flowers Arrangements - Featuring at least 3 kinds of flowers
Lot 9: Wildflower Arrangement - Featuring at least 3 kinds of Wildflowers
Lot 10: Floating Arrangements - Fewer than 6 flowers
Lot 11: Floating Arrangements - 6 flowers or more
Lot 12: Sunflower Arrangement
Lot 13: Fruit &/or Vegetable Flower Arrangement - Must be no larger than 20” by 20” (Fruit and vegetables may be purchased.) *NEW*

Dried Arrangements

Can include twigs, vines, or berries.
Lot 14: Dried Wall Hanging - Wreath, Basket or Straw hat
Lot 15: Dried Flowers - Monochromatic dried arrangement
Lot 16: Dried Flowers - Other color arrangement
Lot 17: Exhibitor’s Choice - Dried arrangement, not listed above.

Air Plants

Lot 18: Air Plants - 2 or more plants; Container must be less than 12” across the top

Fairy Gardens

May purchase some items but must include exhibitor-made items or antique pieces and several small plants.
Lot 19: Fairy Garden


Lot 20: Small terrariums - under 8”
Lot 21: Small succulents - under 8”
Lot 22: Small tea cup garden - container grown
Lot 23: Arrangement under 5”, fresh
Lot 24: Arrangement under 5”, dried
Lot 25: Hand-tied Sweetheart Bouquet - under 12”

Horticulture (Cut Specimen)

  • All entries must have been grown by exhibitor or have been in their possession at least ninety (90) days prior to the show.
  • Only one stem, stalk or small branch, etc., is allowed for each cut specimen. No groups of stems or double stalks.
  • The fair will supply glassware for each exhibit until supplies are exhausted.
  • Wedging of clear tape over top, plastic wrap, celery, equisetum or plant stems is allowed. Fair will furnish until supplies are exhausted.
  • Cut specimens may have foliage above the water line only. No leaves in water.
  • All stems must be longer than 3”.
  • Arboreal specimens must be no longer than 30” from cut end to tip. Tips must not be cut/pruned.

Cut Specimen Grown For Bloom

Lot 26: Marigold: Small Bloom – 2” or less
Lot 27: Marigold: Large Bloom - over 2”
Lot 28: Tuberose
Lot 29: Zinnia: Small Bloom – .5” to 1.5”
Lot 30: Zinnia: Medium Bloom – Over 1.5” to 3”
Lot 31: Zinnia: Large Bloom – Over 3” or larger
Lot 32: Celosia - Cockscomb
Lot 33: Celosia - Princess Feather
Lot 34: Daisy - Rudbeckia: Small Bloom Head, 3” or less
Lot 35: Daisy - Rudbeckia: Large Bloom Head, over 3”
Lot 36: Lily
Lot 37: Dahlia - Decorative Bloom: Small Bloom, 3” or less
Lot 38: Dahlia - Decorative Bloom: Large Bloom – over 3”
Lot 39: Dahlia - Cactus Bloom: Small Bloom – 3” or less
Lot 40: Dahlia - Cactus Bloom: Large Bloom – over 3”
Lot 41: Gladiolus
Lot 42: Sunflower: Small Bloom – 5” or less
Lot 43: Sunflower: Large Bloom - over 5”
Lot 44: Coneflowers
Lot 45: Exhibitors Choice (Not Listed): Annual
Lot 46: Exhibitors Choice (Not Listed): Perennial

Lot 47: Hosta leaf up to 3” wide
Lot 48: Hosta leaf over 3" to 10” wide
Lot 49: Hosta leaf over 10” wide
Lot 50: Canna leaf up to 3” wide
Lot 51: Canna leaf over 3” wide
Lot 52: Fern frond
Lot 53: Elephant Ear - must provide suitable container (e.g. gallon milk or water jug)
Lot 54: Other Small Leaf up to 6” wide
Lot 55: Other Large Leaf over 6" wide - must provide suitable container (e.g. gallon milk or water jug)

Herbs - Cut Specimen

Lot 56: Basil
Lot 57: Parsley
Lot 58: Sage
Lot 59: Rosemary
Lot 60: Thyme
Lot 61: Any other Herb Specimen (not listed above): Culinary
Lot 62: Any other Herb Specimen (not listed above): Fragrant

Lot 63: Exhibited for foliage
Lot 64: Exhibited for seed head

ARBOREAL (TREES & SHRUBS) - CUT SPECIMEN Specimens must be no longer than 30” from cut end to tip. Lot 65: Trees & Shrubs exhibited for their foliage
Lot 66: Trees & Shrubs exhibited for their berries
Lot 67: Trees & Shrubs exhibited for cones
Lot 68: Trees & Shrubs exhibited for flowers: Hydrangea white
Lot 69: Trees & Shrubs exhibited for flowers: Hydrangea other colors
Lot 70: Other Flowering Trees or Shrubs
Lot 71: Trees & Shrubs exhibited for needle foliage
Lot 72: Fruit Tree/Fruit
Lot 73: Fruit Tree/No Fruit

Container - Grown

Pay attention to container sizes!
  • All entries must have been grown by the exhibitor or have been in their possession at least (90) days.
  • Only one plant per container is allowed (self-multiplication is permitted), except for Combination Planting.
  • Container-grown plants must not exceed 36” in height or width. Measurement is from floor to top of the tallest plant.
  • Pots for individual container-grown plants may not exceed 10” in diameter. If plants extend below the pot, the exhibitor must furnish an inverted container for elevation.
  • Pots for combination planting may not exceed 12” in diameter. If plants extend below the pot, the exhibitor must furnish an inverted container for elevation
  • Hanging containers (blooming & foliage) may be exhibited but must have the hanging apparatus removed for judging and display.

Container Grown For Bloom

Lot 74: Begonias: 10” top diameter pot or smaller
Lot 75: Impatiens: 10” top diameter pot or smaller
Lot 76: Geraniums: 10” top diameter pot or smaller
Lot 77: Container: Mixed, at least 3 kinds - 12” top diameter pot or smaller
Lot 78: Blooming Container: 6” top diameter pot or smaller
Lot 79: Blooming Container: Over 6”- 12” top diameter


Lot 80: Basil
Lot 81: Parsley
Lot 82: Sage
Lot 83: Rosemary
Lot 84: Thyme
Lot 85: Any other Herb Specimen: Culinary
Lot 86: Any other Herb Specimen: Fragrant

Lot 87: Creative use of any container not usually used as a planter (repurposed item). No larger than 24” x 24”
Lot 88: Creative use of children’s toy as a container. Any kind of plants, but plants must be growing in soil.

Lot 89: Any planting in soil: container must be 10” or smaller at the top

Cactus & Succulents - Container Grown

Containers must be 10” or smaller at the top
Lot 90: Succulents exhibited for bloom
Lot 91: Succulent
Lot 92: Dish Garden: Cacti and/or succulents
Lot 93: Cactus: Desert
Lot 94: Cactus: Christmas

Lot 95: Coleus
Lot 96: Fern: Boston & any other long leaf
Lot 97: Any Other Fern
Lot 98: Trailing (i.e. Jew, Ivy, or Creeping Jenny)
Lot 99: Mixed (at least 3 kinds)
Lot 100: Container: Any other not listed. Container less than 6” top diameter
Lot 101: Container: 6” to 12” top diameter
Lot 102: Strawberry Pot with no blooming plants, no greater than 12" in width or height


Lot 103: African Violet: Plain Leaf Double Blossom
Lot 104: African Violet: Plain Leaf Single Blossom
Lot 105: African Violet: Ruffled Leaf Double Bloom
Lot 106. African Violet: Ruffled Leaf Single Bloom
Lot 107: African Violet: Variegated Foliage Double Bloom
Lot 108: African Violet: Variegated Foliage Single Bloom
Lot 109: African Violet: Any Leaf, Triple Bloom
Lot 110: African Violet: Not Blooming, Any Leaf
Lot 111: African Violet: Miniature

Use of Fair Theme & Commodity

Must be less than 20”x20”. Must be cut flower arrangement, container-grown, or dried flower arrangement incorporating any of this year’s Fair Themes: 95 Reasons to Celebrate Tennessee, Goin' Hog Wild & Bacon Memories at the Fair! Ag Commodity: Year of Pork
Lot 112: Fair Theme Entry
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