State Adult Hay & Field Crops
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State Adult Hay & Field Crops

Date of Show: August 14-23, 2025
Time of Show: Open during Fair hours


Online registration only through UT/TSU Extension County Agents.
Online entry period July 11 - August 11, 2024.

Show Chairs:

TN State Fair-
Jason de Koff, TSU ANR Specialist: (615) 963-4929
Tom Bobo: 615-504-3694 or email

Wilson County Fair-

Lucas Holman, Wilson County Ext. Director: (615) 444-9584

: Pre-entered items will be received Tuesday, August 12 at State Perishable Building from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (No Hay entries collected at the farm). No entries will be taken after August 12 and no entries will be taken that are not pre-registered online. Entries can be dropped off prior to August 12 at the Fair Office, 945 E. Baddour Pkwy, Lebanon.

General Rules for all Hay and Field Crops Entries:
1. All exhibits must be grown on a Tennessee farm by a Tennessee resident 18 years of age or older (in the current year).
2. Only one entry per farm operation(per Schedule F) per lot.
3. All awards will be distributed by Ag Agents after the Fair.

Entries not removed by August 24, 1:00 PM will be disposed of at the discretion of the show chairs.

Class 1
- Hay (only one entry per farm operation(Schedule F) per lot – may be from either a square or round bale)

Premiums: 1st - $30.00 • 2nd - $25.00 • 3rd - $15.00 • 4th thru 10th - $10.00
Non Legume Grand Champion in Lots 1, 3-9, & 11-16 - $50 Best of TN Ribbon
Legume Grand Champion in Lots 2 & 10 - $50 Best of TN Ribbon
(Grand Champion determined by Relative Forage Quality)

1. Hay entries will be judged on physical aspects of the hay. Physical aspects will include leafiness, maturity, odor, color, cleanness and texture.
2. Entries must be composed of forage which has been cut, cured, baled and stored in barn or covered in Tennessee.

Lot 1. Orchard grass - Square Bale
Lot 2. Legumes other than clover - alfalfa/lespedeza - Square Bale
Lot 3. Cool season perennial grass or cool season perennial grass mix(tall fescue, etc.) - Square Bale
Lot 4. Warm season perennial grass or warm season perennial grass mix(Bermudagrass, native grass, etc.) - Square Bale
Lot 5. Cool season - annual grass (wheat, oats, etc.) - Square Bale
Lot 6. Warm season - annual grass (sorghum, sudan, teff, crabgrass.) - Square Bale
Lot 7. Mixed grass with legume - Square Bale
Lot 8. Mixed grass without legume - Square Bale
Lot 9. Orchard grass - Round Bale
Lot 10. Legumes other than clover - alfalfa/lespedeza - Round Bale
Lot 11. Cool season perennial grass or cool season perennial grass mix (tall fescue, etc.) - Round Bale
Lot 12. Warm season perennial grass or warm season perennial grass mix (Bermudagrass, native grass, etc.) - Round Bale
Lot 13. Cool season - annual grass (wheat, oats, etc.) - Round Bale
Lot 14. Warm season - annual grass (sorghum, sudan, teff, crabgrass.) - Round Bale
Lot 15. Mixed grass with legume - Round Bale
Lot 16. Mixed grass without legume - Round Bale

Class 2
- Field Corn
Lot 1 & 2 Premiums: 1st - $30.00 • 2nd - $25.00 • 3rd - $20.00
Lot 3 & 4 Premiums: 1st - $20.00 • 2nd - $15.00 • 3rd - $10.00

Lot 1. Five ears of Hybrid Yellow (Shuck/Silks removed)
Lot 2. Five ears of Non-Yellow Corn (Shuck/Silks removed)
Lot 3. Tallest Stalk of Corn (Length)
Lot 4. Longest Ear of Corn (Length) (Shuck/Silks removed)

Class 3
- Soybeans
Premiums: 1st - $30.00 • 2nd - $25.00 • 3rd - $20.00

1. Whole soybean plants (5 stalks) should be tied tightly together.
2. Roots may or may not be removed, but should be free of soil.
3. Please provide plant variety, maturity group and planting date.

Lot 1. Group 3 maturity group
Lot 2. Group 4 maturity group
Lot 3. Group 5 maturity group

Class 4
- Tobacco
Premiums: 1st - $30.00 • 2nd - $25.00 • 3rd - $20.00

Burley Tobacco
Lot 1. Best Leaf
Lot 2. Best Stalk
Lot 3. Tallest Stalk

Dark Tobacco
Lot 4. Best Leaf
Lot 5. Best Stalk
Lot 6. Tallest Stalk

Wrapper Tobacco
Lot 7. Best Leaf
Lot 8. Best Stalk
Lot 9. Tallest Stalk

Class 5
- Cotton
Premiums: 1st - $30.00 • 2nd - $25.00 • 3rd - $20.00

1. One stalk, de-leaved, taken from within the row (not on the exterior)
2. Roots (see #2 in Soybeans)

Lot 1. Best Cotton

Class 6
- Wheat
Premiums: 1st - $30.00 • 2nd - $25.00 • 3rd - $20.00
Threshed wheat provided in a 1 quart, plastic Ziploc bag

Lot 1. Best Wheat
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