State Honey Show
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State Honey Show


Located in the Made in Tennessee Building

Chairman: Tim Lankford (615)347-1876,

  1. Competition open to all Tennessee residents. Wilson County residents entering in the State Show must also be entered in the Wilson County Honey Show.
  2. One entry per lot per person.
  3. Entries for Extracted Honey (Class A) & Comb Honey (Class B) will be judged ONLY in standard 1-lb. honey jars. All other jars will be disqualified. The only exception is creamed honey, where jar is entrant's choice.
  4. Photos must be 5"x7" or 8"x10" & mounted. NO FRAMES or GLASS. Either black and white or color may be submitted.
  5. No identification allowed on entries.
  6. Entry acceptability at judge's discretion. Judge's decision is final.
  7. Entrants responsible for placement of honey grade.
  8. All honey & beeswax must be produced by the exhibitor.
  9. All entries in this division must be entered Saturday, August 10 between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and are not to be picked up until Sunday, August 25 between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Premiums: 1st - $10 • 2nd - $7 • 3rd - $5

Extracted Honey - Class A

Lot 1. Extra Light Amber
Lot 2. Light Amber
Lot 3. Amber
Lot 4. Dark Amber
Lot 5. Dark

Comb Honey - Class B
Lot 1. Extra Light Amber
Lot 2. Light Amber
Lot 3. Amber
Lot 4. Dark Amber
Lot 5. Dark

Bulk Honey - Class C
(Frames must be placed in sanitary bee-proof display case)
Lot 1. Frame-Light
Lot 2. Frame-Dark
Lot 3. Round or Square Section

Wax - Class D

(All entries must be 100% pure beeswax no artificial coloring)
Lot 1a. Plain Molded Wax-small (under 1lb)
Lot 1b. Plain Molded Wax-large (1lb or more)
Lot 2a. Fancy Molded Wax-small (under 1lb)
Lot 2b. Fancy Molded Wax-large (1lb or more)
Lot 3. Molded Candles
Lot 4. Rolled Candles
Lot 5. Hand Dipped Candles
Lot 6. Any other handcraft using only beeswax (sculpting, molding, etc.)

Prepared Honey Products - Class E

Lot 1. Creamed Honey
Lot 2. Soap

Beekeeping Photography - Class F

Lot 1. Close-up Print: Subject must be related to beekeeping
Lot 2. Scenic Print: Apiary subject, such as flowers, hives, etc.
Lot 3. Portrait Print: A person or beekeeping procedure in an appropriate setting.
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