Chairperson: Dorie Mitchell, (615) 415-3337,
Registration Fee: $25 - online only Registration NOW OPEN
Deadline: Register online by
August 13.
Sponsored by: Square Market Furniture and Gifts
Prizes:1st Place: $200 + $100 Gift Card from Square Market
2nd Place: $150 + $75 Gift Card from Square Market
3rd Place: $100 + $25 Gift Card from Square Market
Rules & Information
- Design a formal tablescape for 4 – theme of your choice
- Each exhibitor will be assigned a 6’x30” table, 29-30 inches tall
- Each exhibitor must provide dishes, centerpieces, crystal, silver & any other decorations. Chairs may not be included in the display. Each exhibitor must use a tablecloth or covering that comes to the floor (a 90x132 tablecloth) or use a Velcro attached skirt (underneath the table may be used for your storage).
- Each tablescape must include: Framed menu and 4 place settings set for that menu
- Live flowers may be used but can’t be replenished during the fair week-perishable food is not permitted to be a part of the tablescape display.
- Set up will be Wednesday, August 13 from 2 - 8 PM in the Farm Bureau Expo Center.
- The Fair reserves the right to reject any table setting that is objectionable or unsuitable.
- “On-Site” judging will take place on Thursday, August 14, for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners.
- Tablescapes are to remain on display for the remainder of the fair & can be picked up on Sunday, August 24 from 1 - 3 PM.
- Judging criteria is as follows: a) Creative interpretation of theme b) Visual impact c) Appropriate formal placement of tableware necessary for menu
- You will receive updated information regarding the competition a few weeks before the fair.