Ham Show
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Ham Show

Including Shoulders & Bacon


Chairman: Don Willoughby, (615) 948-3866

  1. Open to residents of Tennessee with products cured & aged in the state.
  2. Products must be entered & exhibited in the name of owner & cured on the premises of the owner, with the exception of Divisions 3-5 (youth), who must have actively participated in the trimming & curing process.
  3. Entries will be accepted Wednesday, August 14, 2024 between 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM & be removed between noon - 2:00 PM Sunday, August 25.
  4. Each exhibitor may enter one ham per class.
  5. All hams, shoulders, & bacon must be sound & free of insects or spoilage. Products must be clean & eye appealing. Judging will be based on general shape, neatness, & attractiveness of trim, lean-to-fat ratio, color & aroma. Hams will be probed.
  6. All hams, except Division I & 2 Grand Champions, will be returned to the respective owners or their designee upon presentation of receipt issued at time of entry.
  7. A Country Ham Breakfast will be held on Monday, August 19, 7:00 AM. in the Farm Bureau Expo Center where the Division 1 & 2 Grand Champion hams will be auctioned off as a fundraising activity for FFA programs through the Tennessee FFA Foundation. The winners will be invited & recognized.


1st - $30 • 2nd - $25 • 3rd - $20 • 4th - $18 • 5th - $16 • 6th - $12 • 7th - 10th - $10
Grand Champion Divisions 1 & 2 – Plaque & $200
Grand Champion Division 3-5 combined (youth) – Plaque Biggest & Best - $30

Additional Youth Awards:
Tennessee Pork Producers will provide additional cash awards for Divisions 3-5, youth,
who are 4-H or FFA members as verified at time of entry.
Additional Premiums (for 4-H/FFA)
1st - $20 • 2nd - $15 • 3rd - $10 4th-5th - $5
Grand Champion - $50
DIVISION 1 - Country Style (Long Ham)
Lot 1. Country Style, less than 20 pounds
Lot 2. Country Style, 20 pounds & over
Lot 3. Bacon, salt &/or sugar cured
Lot 4. Shoulders, all weights & cures
Lot 5. Biggest & Best, all weights & cures

DIVISION 2 - Packer Style (Short Ham)

Lot 1. Packer Style, light weight, less than 16 pounds
Lot 2. Packer Style, medium weight, 16 to under 18 pounds
Lot 3. Packer Style, heavy weight, 18 pounds & over

DIVISION 3 – Youth ages 9-10 (4th-5th grade 2023-24 school year)

Lot 1. Packer Style, light weight, less than 16 pounds
Lot 2. Packer Style, medium weight,16 to under 18 pounds
Lot 3. Packer Style, heavy weight, 18 pounds & over

DIVISION 4 - Youth ages 11-13 (6th-8th grade 2023-24 school year)
Lot 1. Packer Style, light weight, less than 16 pounds
Lot 2. Packer Style, medium weight, 16 to under 18 pounds
Lot 3. Packer Style, heavy weight, 18 pounds & over

DIVISION 5 - Youth ages 14-18 (9th-12th grade 2023-24 school year)
Lot 1. Packer Style, light weight, less than 16 pounds
Lot 2. Packer Style, medium weight, 16 to under 18 pounds
Lot 3. Packer Style, heavy weight, 18 pounds & over
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