Antique Car Show
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Antique Car Show

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Sunday, August 18, 2024
1:00 p.m.
Antique cars are displayed in Fiddlers Grove and other areas inside the fairgrounds.
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Information for Competitors

Enter Main Gate (Baddour Pkwy) and follow signs.

Entries Taken: 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Entry Fee: $20 per vehicle

Awards Presentation: 4 p.m. at the Opry Stage

  • Three places will be awarded in each class.
  • Trophies will be awarded to all National Winners.
  • Cars will enter on pavement and park on grass
  • Dash Plaques will be given to the first 200 cars.
  • No classes for Mini-Trucks or Slammed Cars.
  • Best of Show for Modified & Production.
  • Large classes may be split.
  • Judging at Registration.
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2024 Vehicle Classification


1. AACA National Winners
2. Production to 1945
3. Production 1946-1954
4. Production to 1955-1962
5. Production 1963-1969
6. Production 1970-1982
7. Production 1983-1999
8. Production 2000-2016
9. Production 2017-Up
10. Volkswagon & Corvair (All)
11. Corvette 1953-1970
12. Corvette 1971-2004
13. Corvette 2005-2012
14. Corvette 2013-Up
15. Chevy 55, 56 & 57
16. Mustang 1964-1978
17. Mustang 1979-2004
18. Mustang 2005-Up
19. Chevelle (All)
20. Camaro 1967-2002

21. Mopar 1962-1997
22. Mopar 1998-Up
23. Special Interest
24. Rat Rods
25. Motorcycles (All)

Stock Trucks
26. Production to 1968
27. Production 1969-1993
28. Production 1994-2004
29. Production 2005-Up

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30. Cars to 1950
31. Cars 1951-1962

32. Cars 1963-1968
33. Cars 1969-1971
34. Cars 1972-1979
35. Cars 1980-1998
36. Cars 1999-2004
37. Cars 2005-2012
38. Cars 2013-2016
39. Cars 2017-2019
40. Cars 2020-2022
41. Cars 2023-Up
42. Designated Sport Cars (All)

Street Rods
43. Ford
44. Other (All)

45. Volkswagon & Corvair (All)
46. Chevrolet 1955
47. Chevrolet 1956
48. Chevrolet 1957
49. Chevelle Modified (All)
50. Camaro to 2002
51. Mopar 1962-1997 Modified
52. Corvette 1953-2004
53. Mustang 1964-2004 Modified

Modified Trucks
54. Modified to 1955
55. Modified 1956-1965
56. Modified 1966-1968
57. Modified 1969-1972

58. Modified 1973-1983
59. Modified 1984-1996
60. Modified 1997-2005
61. Modified 2006-Up
62. SUV, Utility & Jeep (All)

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*Novice class is for any car that has not won a trophy even if it has been entered in shows before. The car or truck must be 25 years old or older. This class is for cars and trucks either stock or modified.*

Limited canopies are allowed on the field. It is the owner of the canopy that assumes all liability that may be incurred by the use of the canopy. This includes damage to show cars and personal injury. The canopy must be securely anchored to the ground and must not block show car parking or lanes of vehicle or foot traffic.

For more information contact: Jeff W. Hall at (615)477-3989 or Randall Clemons at (615)945-8492

Mid-Tenn Region Antique Car Club Assisting

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