Saturday, August 16, 2025
3:00 - 4:30 PM
Motorsports Arena
3 Minute Time Limit per Team
- Driver must be 16 years old
- Teams of 2 will compete in a golf cart on a designated obstacle course for a winning cash prize of $100!
- 2nd Place = $50, 3rd Place = $25
- Waiver will be signed at registration
- Register online using the form below or pick up registration form in Fair Office
- Teams will drive a golf cart through a designated obstacle course with the driver blindfolded and the passenger giving directions.
- A judge will ride with each team to score their ride and hold a microphone for the audience to hear the fun interactions between team members.
- Teams will have 3 minutes to complete the course.
- Points will be deducted for hitting cones (or knocking over cones or running off the course).
- Team with the highest score wins!
- Disqualified if the blindfold is removed or drops off eyes so the driver could see.
- Points deducted for hitting cones or obstacles, driving off course, and putting in reverse.
- Check-in at Motorsports office.
- Drivers must be 16 years or older.