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Home > Competitions > Livestock Shows > Rabbit


Saturday, August 16, 2025
Single Open & Single Youth
Judging begins at 8 AM

Chairman: Lyndon LaFevers, (615) 202-0405
Secretary: Marge Drake, (931) 212-0462
Show Superintendent: Silas Drake
Judges: Joe Colucci (OH) & Fayth Young (NC)

Information for Competitors

  1. All rabbits must be healthy. The Chairman or Show Superintendent reserves the right to refuse any entry.
  2. Entry fee is $2.00 per rabbit. ALL RABBITS MUST BE PRE-ENTERED BY TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, via the website at www.wilsoncountytnstatefair.com . Be sure to request the number of Sale/Exhibit cages you will need when you pre-enter. These cages are limited and are on a 1st come basis. YOU MUST SHOW A RABBIT TO LEAVE A RABBIT.
  3. Check-in will be on Saturday, August 16th, 6:30 - 7:30 AM at the Rabbit Barn.
  4. This is a carrying-cage show so rabbits can leave after the show. Please be sure all rabbits have water in their carrying cages at all times. Pre-requested Sale/Exhibit cages will be set up in the rabbit barn by Exhibitor Name. You will need to fill out a page in our book of the rabbits you are leaving for sale. No Sales during the show.
  5. Rabbits will be on display after the show on August 16th, & those left for sale can be purchased anytime during the week but will not be released until the end of the fair (Sunday). This will give the buyer plenty of time to get a cage, food and bowls. All rabbits must be picked up by 1:00 PM on Sunday, August 25th. Must be 21 to purchase.
  6. The show is ARBA sanctioned & the classes will be judged by its standards which includes a permanent & legible tattoo in the left ear.
  7. “Premiums” will be paid by the fair through 3 placings in each Sr. Buck, Sr. Doe, 6-8 Buck, 6-8 Doe, Jr. Buck & Jr. Doe class as follows: 1st - $8; 2nd - $6; 3rd - $4
  8. Best of Breed (BOB) & Best Opposite Sex (BOS) will receive a rosette.
  9. Best of Show will receive a 7x9 picture plaque and $10 & Reserve of Show will receive an 7x9 picture plaque & $5.
  10. Non-recognized breeds & varieties will compete together in a Bunny Class (no earmark needed) for place ribbons only.
  11. Though every precaution will be taken, neither Wilson County Promotions, nor the individuals working the exhibit will be responsible for the loss of any rabbit or any injury.
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Executive Director, P.O. Box 400, Knox, PA 16232. DUES: Adult $20 per year • YOUTH: $12 per year; H/W $30 per year

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