Junior Open and 4-H Central Region Dairy Cattle Show
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Junior Open and 4-H Central Region Dairy Cattle Show

Show Time: Friday, August 23 @ 2 PM
Showmanship @ 12 PM • Cows @ 2 PM • Heifers @ 5 PM
Location: Q Barn
Contact: Jared Major, (615) 210-3207; Summer Major, (615) 218-8802
Jonathan Johns 4-H Show Chair (931)967-2741, jjohns5@utk.edu (for all 4-H Central Region Show questions)

Tennessee Health Requirements Apply to ALL Cattle

Must be tied in by Thursday, August 22, 4 PM.
4-H Show entries must be pre-entered through your local Extension Agent

Information for Competitors

Cattle Trailers enter at Tennessee Blvd Checkerboard Gate.

Judge: TBA

Pre-Entry for 4-H Show is required through local 4-H agent.

Please refer to the State 4-H Dairy Show rules posted on the UT Animal Science website

1st - $80 • 2nd - $65 • 3rd - $50 • 4th - $40 • 5th - $30

1st - $100 • 2nd - $80 • 3rd - $60 • 4th - $50 • 5th - $40
Grand Champion • $200 ~ Reserve Grand Champion • $150


  1. Junior Heifer Calf - March 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024
  2. Intermediate Calf - Dec. 1, 2023 - Feb. 28, 2024
  3. Senior Calf - Sept. 1, 2023 - Nov. 30, 2023
  4. Summer Yearling - June 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2023
  5. Jr. Yearling - March 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023
  6. Intermediate Yearling - Dec. 1, 2022 - Feb. 28, 2023
  7. Senior Yearling - Sept. 1, 2022 - Nov. 30, 2022
  8. Jr. Champion - Chosen from 7 classes above (Rosettes)
  9. Reserve Jr. Champion-Chosen from 7 classes above (Rosettes)
  10. Yearling in Milk - born after September 1, 2022
  11. Jr. 2 Year Old - March 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022
  12. Sr. 2 Year Old - Sept. 1, 2021 - Feb. 28, 2022
  13. 3 Year Old - Sept. 1, 2020 - Aug. 31, 2021
  14. 4 Year Old - Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
  15. Aged Cow - Born prior to Sept. 1, 2019
  16. Senior Champion - Chosen from 6 classes above
  17. Reserve Sr. Champion - Chosen from 6 classes above
  18. Grand Champion-Chosen from Jr. & Sr. Champions (Rosette)
  19. Reserve Grand Champion-Chosen from Jr & Sr Champion (Rosette)

Registration papers will be checked

All animals must be recently clipped
Chairman reserves right to refuse entry

All Livestock Exhibitors* and Drivers of Vehicles Transporting Livestock Will be admitted FREE. (*An Exhibitor is defined as the person who attends the animal in the show ring.) All others must pay regular Fair Admission.

Announcements made the night of the event supersede all previous announcements.


  1. Competition is open to anyone up to 19 yrs of age on the date of the show. Junior exhibitors must show proof of age, such as a driver’s license, birth certificate, or other ID showing date of birth.
  2. Only animals officially recorded in the name of the exhibitor prior to July 1 may be shown, & the registration certificate shall be submitted to the Dept. Head of the show. All animals must be registered or recorded with their respective breed organizations. Animals must be registered solely in the name of the junior exhibitor, or in a partnership. A partnership may include other juniors, adults, or a farm. Animals are eligible, as long as the junior’s name is included in this partnership. In the case of multiple juniors in a partnership, the junior showing the animal will be designated at the time entries are made.
  3. All animals must comply with the health provision prescribed by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Industries published in this catalog on page 4.
  4. Junior exhibitors must show their own animals; eight year olds must be able to show their animals without assistance. In some instances, substitute show persons may be allowed with the approval of the Dairy Dept. Head. No adult will be allowed to assist a child during the show, adult assistance will disqualify a junior exhibitor.
  5. Junior exhibitors can show 6 animals per breed that are not bred by the exhibitor.
  6. Exhibitors must furnish own feed, bedding & equipment & all animals must be kept in the place assigned by the Dairy Dept. Head.
  7. The signature of a parent or guardian of the Junior exhibitor is required on the entry form before entries are accepted. Entries will not be accepted without the signature.

Junior Dairy Champion of Champions

Friday, August 23 - immediately following Junior Show.

Champion of Champions
Champion $500 ~ Reserve Champion $400 ~ 3rd-6th $100
1. Ayrshire
2. Brown Swiss
3. Guernsey
4. Holstein
5. Jersey
6. Milking Shorthorn
7. Champion of Champions

Junior Champion of Champions
Champion $500 ~ Reserve Champion $400 ~ 3rd-6th $100
1. Ayrshire
2. Brown Swiss
3. Guernsey
4. Holstein
5. Jersey
6. Milking Shorthorn
7. Junior Champion of Champions

  1. This is a junior show only, for Tennessee exhibitors only. The judge will select a Tennessee Champion from all the breeds judged during the Jr. Dairy Open Show to be named the Tennessee State Fair Champion of Champions or Junior Champion of Champions.
  2. Exhibitor must be between the age of eight and nineteen years of age on the date of the show. If asked by show management, junior must be able to show proof of age, such as a driver’s license, birth certificate or other ID showing date of birth.
  3. Junior exhibitors must show their own animals; eight year olds must be able to show their animals without assistance. In some instances, substitute show persons may be allowed with the approval of the Dairy Dept. Head. NO adult will be allowed to assist a child during the show, adult assistance will disqualify a junior exhibitor.
  4. The youth exhibitor will be required to wear a white shirt, white pants and shoes/boots (NO tennis shoes or sandals). NO caps or hats. NOT wearing the above attire is disqualification.
  5. The youth will be judged on their showmanship and handling of their animal in the ring.
  6. Only animals officially recorded in the name of the exhibitor prior to July 1 may be shown, the registration certificate shall be submitted to the Dept. Head of the show. All animals must be registered, leased or recorded with their respective breed organizations. Animals must be registered solely in the name of the junior exhibitor or in a partnership, the junior showing the animal will be designated at the time entries are made. Leases will be accepted/ honored.
  7. Animals MUST follow the TN Dept. of Agriculture Rules & Regulations.
  8. The judge will select a Tennessee breed champion from those shown in the Junior Open Shows. Once the 6 breed champions have been selected, the judge will select 1 winner, which will receive the title of Tennessee State Fair Junior Dairy “Champion of Champions” or “Junior Champion of Champions”.
  9. Rules for judging: The Judges decision is final.
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