Dairy Herdsman Award
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Dairy Herdsman Award

A special award will be awarded in the Dairy Department to the herdsmen in charge of the dairy exhibits. A committee appointed by the fair management will make inspections during the time frame the dairy cattle are on grounds to determine those who, in their judgement, make the best record for the period of the show, taking into consideration the following points:

  1. Neatness and attractiveness of exhibit, bedding, signs, etc. 30 pts.
  2. Appearance of animals at all times 30 pts.
  3. Cleanliness of aisle behind cattle 15 pts.
  4. Exhibitor's behavior while at the fair 15 pts.
  5. Friendliness toward other exhibitors 10 pts.
Total Points: 100 points

Winner: $300 & Banner
Reserve: $200 & Banner
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