Charolais Open Show & Junior Show
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Charolais Open Show & Junior Show

Future Stockman & Showmanship (Heifers Only)
Check In Deadline:
Saturday, August 24 @ 10 AM
Show Time: Saturday, August 24 @ 2 PM
Location: Q Barn
Charolais Open Show, Open Junior Show & Junior Show
Check-In Deadline:
Saturday, August 24 @ 3:00 PM
Show Time: Saturday, August 24 @ 6:00 PM
Location: Q Barn

Judge: Tim Schaffer


Contact: Jamie Nicholson, (615) 419-3677

Registration Fee: $10/per animal (non-refundable) Online registration deadline August 12

Future Stockman Class sponsored by Mike Watkins & John Woodroof

Bedding will be furnished in the barn. NO STRAW WILL BE ALLOWED

PREMIUMS: 1st - $100 • 2nd - $80 • 3rd - $60 • 4th - $50 ~ 5th - $40

Champion - $200

Reserve Champion - $150

General Rules for all Beef Cattle

  2. There will only be room in the barn for cattle on the day they are to show. For any exceptions, please contact Show Chairman.
  3. Any breed that has 20 head or more pre-registered in the show will have a division for that breed.
  4. Any breed not listed will show on Friday night.
  5. Tennessee Health Requirements apply to all cattle.
  6. Unruly animals may be excused from the show ring by the Judge or Show Chairman.
  7. Show cattle should be on grounds three hours before show time.
  8. Trucks & trailers shall park in designated areas after unloading. NO PARKING AROUND BARN.
  9. All cattle must be registered with their respective breed association.
  10. Livestock trailers should enter through the Tennessee Blvd. entrance.
  11. Showmanship classes - Heifers & Steers Only. You can only show in one showmanship.
  12. TN Junior Shows and Junior Open Shows will run with the Open Show of each breed with the exception of Herefords.
  13. You can only show in one show - You may NOT show the same animal in more than one show. An animal may be shown in its breed, show as an AOB or commercial but not all three. ONLY ONE SHOW.
  14. Animals must remain in barn or designated tie areas NOT on trailers unless Chairman grants permission.

Open Show Rules:

  1. All animals to be eligible for an Open Charolais Breeding Class must be purebred and registered with the American-International Charolais Association (AICA). Only bona fide (original) certificates of registration will be accepted as evidence of registration and ownership; NO PHOTOCOPIES.
  2. An animal is eligible to enter or compete in an open Charolais breeding class if registered in country of origin outside the United States and is eligible for purebred registry in the AICA Herdbook.
  3. Animals registered in the AICA Colored Division Registry (QF and QM initialed registration numbers) must meet the parameters of the AICA Color Card.
  4. All animals to be eligible may be approved by a sifting committee designated by the AICA. Stall space will not be provided for any Charolais cattle that have not been accepted by the sifting committee.
  5. All animals are subject to a medical examination in order to determine age, and each animal will be present in the show ring in its natural conformation without alteration or modification. Use of artificial tailheads is not permitted.
  6. Any animal not having a legible tattoo or firebrand number is ineligible and will be barred from showing.
  7. Bulls from classes 36, 37, 40, 41 and 42 must have a valid, satisfactory semen test certificate in possession. This certificate is valid for the entire show season.
  8. All animals shown in individual classes must be weaned, with the exception of the Cow-Calf Class and calves at the side of females calved after September 1. Calves at side must be purebred and registered with the AICA. Females calved after September 1, must show in individual female class appropriate to age. Nurse cows are not permitted.
  9. All females 20 months and older exhibited at AICA sanctioned shows must be accompanied by a certificate of pregnancy from a licensed veterinarian or have produced fertile eggs as certified in a written statement by a licensed veterinarian or embryologist or have a calf at side.
  10. AICA requires that all animals be shown with a halter and suggest that all bulls be shown with a nose lead.
  12. ARTICLE XV, PARAGRAPH B, POINT 2: "Each animal will be presented in its natural conformation and structure without alteration or modification. Alteration or modification shall be defined to include any surgical, chemical, electrical or other (including banding or other circulatory constriction) appearance change for cosmetic purpose, save only branding, tattooing, foot trimming or dehorning. The act of artificially filling animals internally, which would include stomach pumping, drench tubes, or any other method per os (by esophagus) is prohibited. Silicone injection or other injection for cosmetic purpose shall be prohibited. Anabolic steriod use shall likewise be prohibited and any animal testing positive for anabolic steroid or diuretic use shall be presumed to be altered and modified.
  13. Effective October 22, 2004, at any American-International Charolais Association (AICA) sanctioned show (including shows receiving AICA premium funding and/or qualifying as a Roll of Excellence Show), the use of a coloring agent, flock and powder is prohibited. Use of these products will result in the immediate disqualification of a given animal at such show.

Junior Show Rules:

  1. The TN Junior Show will run simultaneously with the Open Breed Show
  2. The animal entered in the Junior Show must also be entered in the Open Show
  3. Only a 4-H, FFA or Junior Breed Association member may exhibit animals in this show. The junior exhibitor must show their own animal(s). If a junior exhibitor has more than one animal in any one class, the exhibitor can have another junior exhibitor show that second animal.
  4. This junior show will be governed by the National Breed and Junior Associations Rules and Regulations
  5. All animals/embryos exhibited must have been recorded, registered or transferred in the exhibitor's name on or before August 10th of the current year.
  6. Cow/Calf Classes will not compete for the Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Female of the junior show.
  7. No exhibitor shall be permitted to win more than two prizes in any one class.
  8. Ribbons will be awarded for the first five placings. Rosettes will be awarded for the Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Female.
  9. All decisions made by the chairman regarding eligibility in the Junior Show(s) are final.

Open and Junior Shows

Female Classes:

  1. Spring Heifer Calves-calved after March 1, 2024
  2. Junior Heifer Calves-calved Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2024
  3. Junior Calf Champion Female
  4. Reserve Junior Calf Champion Female
  5. Winter Heifer Calves-calved Nov. 1-Dec. 31, 2023
  6. Senior Heifer Calves-calved Sept. 1-Oct. 31, 2023
  7. Senior Calf Champion Female
  8. Reserve Senior Calf Champion Female
  9. Late Summer Yearling Female-calved July 1-Aug. 31, 2023
  10. Summer Yearling Female-calved May 1-June 30, 2023
  11. Intermediate Champion Female
  12. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
  13. Late Spring Yearling Female-calved April 1-April 30, 2023
  14. Early Spring Yearling Female-calved March 1-March 31, 2023
  15. Junior Champion Female
  16. Reserve Junior Champion Female
  17. Junior Yearling Female-calved Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2023
  18. Senior Yearling Female-calved Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2022
  19. Senior Champion Female
  20. Reserve Senior Champion Female
  21. Cow-Calf Champion Cow-Calf (1st Place) Reserve Champion Cow-Calf (2nd Place) Calf must be cow’s natural calf, not embryo transplant. Calf to be no more than 250 days of age by day of show. Calf must be purebred and registered with the AICA. No age restriction on cow. Calf not eligible to compete in individual calf classes if show with dam. Pair is eligible for Grand or Grand Champion Female. Cow &/or calf may be included in group class entries as individual, not as a pair comprising a single animal unit. *1st & 2nd winners in the division will be eligible for the Open Show Grand & Reserve Grand Champion. Cow/Calf will not compete for the Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Female of the Junior Show.*
  22. Grand Champion Female
  23. Reserve Grand Champion Female
Bull Classes:
24. Spring Bull Calves-calved after March 1, 2024
25. Junior Bull Calves-calved Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2024
26. Junior Calf Champion Bull
27. Reserve Junior Champion Bull
28. Winter Bull Calves-calved Nov. 1-Dec. 31, 2023
29. Senior Bull Calves-calved Sept. 1, Oct. 31, 2023
30. Senior Calf Champion Bull
31. Reserve Calf Champion Bull
32. Late Summer Yearling Bulls-calved July 1-Aug. 31, 2023
33. Summer Yearling Bulls-calved May 1-June 30, 2023
34. Intermediate Champion Bull
35. Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
36. Spring Yearling Bulls-calved March 1-April 30, 2023
37. Junior Yearling Bulls-calved Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2023
38. Junior Champion Bull
39. Reserve Junior Champion Bull
40. Senior Yearling Bulls-calved Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2022
41. Summer Senior Yearling Bulls-May 1-Aug. 31, 2022
42. Two Year Old Bulls-Jan. 1-April 30, 2022
43. Senior Champion Bull
44. Reserve Senior Champion Bull
45. Grand Champion Bull
46. Reserve Grand Champion Bull
47. Produce-of-Dam, two animals, either sex, from one dam to be shown in individual classes to be eligible. May be owned by more than one exhibitor.
48. Junior-Get-of-Sire, three animals all by one sire, both sexes to be represented, may be owned by more than one exhibitor. All animals must be show in individual classes to be eligible. Bulls from classes 24, 25, 28, or 29. Females from classes 1, 2, 5, or 6.
49. Get-of-Sire, three animals all by one sire, both sexes to be represented, may be owned by more than one exhibitor. All animals must be show in individual classes to be eligible. This Get must have a minimum of two animals born before Sept. 1, 2022.
50. Breeder’s Herd, Four animals, either sex, bred and owned by exhibitor. All animals must be shown in their individual classes to be eligible.
51. Group of Five Head, Five animals of either sex owned by the exhibitor from either the calf classes, junior classes, the senior classes, or a combination.
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