American Angus Assoc. ROV Show, Open Jr., Open Bred & Owned &TN Junior Show
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American Angus Assoc. ROV Show, Open Jr., Open Bred & Owned &TN Junior Show

Check In Deadline: Saturday, August 17 @ 10:00 AM (CST)
Show Time: Sunday, August 18 @ 10:00 AM (CST)
Location: Q Barn

Judge: Brad Winegartner





Barn X Show Ring

Contact: Jamie Nicholson, (615) 419-3677

Registration Fee: $10/per animal (non-refundable) Online registration deadline August 12

Only registered Angus cattle that meet the age requirements listed within this classification are eligible to receive premium participation and be counted in the total number of head shown

Champion and Reserve Champion placings are not counted in number of head shown

Any female that qualifies for female classes in the Association’s standard classifications are not eligible to show in the cow/calf classes. However, the calf at the side of the female is eligible to show in its respective class.

Premiums for Classes 1-27

1st - $100 • 2nd - $80 • 3rd - $60 • 4th - $50 • 5th - $40

Champion - $200

Reserve Champion - $150

The American Angus Association, 3201 Frederick Boulevard, St. Joseph, MO, will participate in premiums offered for open Division Angus breeding cattle Divisions according to the premium schedule based on the number of head shown. The premium assistance provided by the American Angus Association for participation in this show is in addition to the premiums offered by the show itself. Any classes listed in the classifications, which exceeds 15 head per class, should be broken into smaller classes. Any division that exceeds thirty (30) head is to be divided between early and late divisions with each split in division to receive full ROV points. Class breaks will be at the discretion of the American Angus Association staff or regional manager. The premium assistance should not be used to offset show expense and shall be included in the premium payments distributed by the show to the exhibitors. A minimum of 50 head must be shown in the open Division and 15 head must be shown in the junior division to receive American Angus Association premium participation for the following year. Premiums from the Association are paid only to registered Angus cattle and only if the registration number is a part of the show report provided to the Association. Therefore, all cattle should be registered at the time of entry to make certain they receive the Association's portion of premiums. The Association does not pay on championship, get-of-sire, junior get-of-sire or breeder six-head Divisions.

General Rules for all Beef Cattle

  2. There will only be room in the barn for cattle on the day they are to show. For any exceptions, please contact Show Chairman.
  3. Any breed that has 20 head or more pre-registered in the show will have a division for that breed.
  4. Any breed not listed will show on Friday night.
  5. Tennessee Health Requirements apply to all cattle.
  6. Unruly animals may be excused from the show ring by the Judge or Show Chairman.
  7. Show cattle should be on grounds three hours before show time.
  8. Trucks & trailers shall park in designated areas after unloading. NO PARKING AROUND BARN.
  9. All cattle must be registered with their respective breed association.
  10. Livestock trailers should enter through the Tennessee Blvd. entrance.
  11. Showmanship classes - Heifers & Steers Only. You can only show in one showmanship.
  12. TN Junior Shows and Junior Open Shows will run with the Open Show of each breed with the exception of Herefords.
  13. You can only show in one show - You may NOT show the same animal in more than one show. An animal may be shown in its breed, show as an AOB or commercial but not all three. ONLY ONE SHOW.
  14. Animals must remain in barn or designated tie areas NOT on trailers unless Chairman grants permission.

Open Show Rules

  1. Only one attendant will be permitted with each animal in the individual class in all beef breeds while showing.
  2. If an exhibitor owns an animal in partnership with another breeder, that animal shall be considered part of the exhibitor's herd.
  3. No cattle for special exhibits (where no class(es) are offered) will be permitted except on specific written authorization from the Superintendent of Livestock.
  4. Exhibitors must comply with all applicable General Livestock Rules and Livestock Health Requirements set forth in this catalog. Exhibitors must have the original registration certificate issued by the American Angus Association available for inspection at the show for each animal or another current proof of ownership issued by the AAA pedigree look up. Any animal, upon check-in, which does not have a legible permanent identification mark (ear tattoo marks, freeze branded marks or hot branded marks) corresponding to the permanent identification mark on the registration certificate, is ineligible to show. Once disqualified due to an incorrect or illegible permanent identification mark, animals cannot be re-identified (tattooed/branded) and rechecked at the show.
  5. Any female shown with calf at side, the calf must be the cow's most recent natural calf and the calf must be registered by show date and have the original registration certificate at check in.
  6. Only one person at a time shall lead animals into the show ring.
  7. Exhibitors who participate in shows that accept premium monies contributed by the American Angus Association are subject to the Association Rules as found in the Breeders Reference Guide of the Association. These rules are found in Part 2; Association Rules; Rule 800 series; including Rule 800-810. These rules can be found at
  8. Altering the conformation and/or appearance of an animal for exhibition is prohibited. This includes the use of chin straps, covering of white skin, false tail heads (or use of any false hair), with the exception of false tail switches. The use of graphite, powders, hemp or other similar substances used externally are also prohibited. Other prohibited products include those used internally such as steroids, illegal or unlicensed pharmaceuticals or artificial filling. Any animal found to be in violation will be barred from showing.
  9. At any show for which the American Angus Association appropriates funds toward the payment of premiums, no exhibitors, individuals assisting exhibitors or member owners at such show shall be allowed to use any coloring agents, on any animal exhibited. The Association may adopt and implement various tests designed to monitor this prohibition, including but not limited to a "white towel" or "white glove" test. No aerosol cans or other pressurized containers will be allowed in designated make up areas.
  10. All animals exhibited are subject to DNA marker or blood type test to verify accuracy of parentage as covered under the Association Rules and for other testing as required by the individual shows.
  11. Authorized representative of the Association have the authority to enforce the rules set forth herein as well as in the Association Rules, including the barring of a registered animals from a livestock show at which it is to be shown, if there are reasonable grounds to believe a violation has occurred.

Junior Show Rules

  1. The Junior Beef Show(s) will run simultaneously with the Open Breed Show(s).
  2. The animal entered in the Junior Show must also be entered in the Open Show.
  3. Only a 4-H, FFA or Junior Breed Association member may exhibit animals in this show. The junior exhibitor must show their own animal(s). If a junior exhibitor has more than one animal in any one class, the exhibitor can have another junior exhibitor show that second animal.
  4. This junior show will be governed by the National Breed and Junior Associations Rules and Regulations.
  5. All animals/embryos exhibited must have been recorded, registered or transferred in the exhibitor's name on or before August 10th of the current year.
  6. Cow/Calf Classes will not compete for the Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Female of the junior show.
  7. No exhibitor shall be permitted to win more than two prizes in any one class.
  8. Ribbons will be awarded for the first five placings. Rosettes will be awarded for the Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Female.
  9. All decisions by the beef department head regarding eligibility in the Junior Show(s) are final.

Open & Junior Show

  1. Cow/Calf Class - cows 3 years of age & younger
  2. Cow/Calf Class - cows 4 years of age & older
  3. Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair
  4. Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair **Any female that qualifies for female classes in the Association’s standard classifications are not eligible to show in the cow/calf classes. However, the calf at the side of the female is eligible to show in its respective class. Grand and Res. Grand Champion cow/ calf pairs are ineligible to compete for Grand Champion Female, Get-of-Sire, Jr. Get of Sire and Breeder’s six-head class.**
  5. Junior Heifer Calves - calved March 1, 2024 & after
  6. Junior Heifer Calves - calved February, 2024
  7. Junior Heifer Calves - calved January, 2024
  8. Junior Heifer Calf Champion
  9. Reserve Junior Calf Heifer Calf Champion
  10. Late Senior Heifer Calves - calved Nov. & Dec., 2023 19 American Angus ROV Association Show cont’d
  11. Early Senior Heifer Calves - calved September & October, 2023
  12. Senior Heifer Calf Champion
  13. Reserve Senior heifer Calf Champion
  14. Late Summer Yearling Heifers - calved July & August 2023
  15. Early Summer Yearling Heifers - calved May & June, 2023
  16. Intermediate Champion Female
  17. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female
  18. April Junior Yearling Heifers - calved April, 2023
  19. March Junior Yearling Heifers - calved March, 2023
  20. Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved February, 2023
  21. Early Junior Yearling Heifers - calved January, 2023
  22. Junior Champion Female
  23. Reserve Junior Champion
  24. Late Senior Yearling Heifers - calved Nov. & Dec., 2022
  25. Early Senior Yearling Heifers - calved Sept. & Oct., 2022
  26. Senior Champion Female
  27. Reserve Senior Champion Female
  28. Grand Champion Female
  29. Reserve Grand Champion Female
  30. Junior Bull Calves - calved March 1, 2024 & after
  31. Junior Bull Calves - calved January & February 2024
  32. Junior Bull Calf Champion
  33. Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion
  34. Late Senior Bull Calves - calved November & December, 2023
  35. Early Senior Bull Calves - calved September & October, 2023
  36. Senior Bull Calf Champion
  37. Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion
  38. Late Summer Yearling Bulls - calved July & August, 2023
  39. Early Summer Yearling Bulls - calved May & June, 2023
  40. Intermediate Champion Bull
  41. Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull
  42. April Junior Yearling Bulls - calved April, 2023
  43. March Junior Yearling Bulls - calved March, 2023
  44. Early Junior Yearling Bulls - calved January & February, 2023
  45. Junior Champion Bull
  46. Reserve Junior Champion Bull
  47. Senior Yearling Bulls - calved Sept. through Dec., 2022
  48. Summer Senior Yearling Bulls - calved May through Aug., 2022
  49. Two-Year Old Bulls - calved January through April, 2022
  50. Senior Champion Bull
  51. Reserve Senior Champion Bull
  52. Grand Champion Bull
  53. Reserve Grand Champion Bull
  54. Junior Get-of-Sire: Three animals by one sire, both sexes represented, shown in Cls 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, & 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39.
  55. Get-of-Sire: Four animals by one sire shown in the above classes, both sexes represented
  56. Breeders’ Six Head: The exhibitor of the breeders six head must be breeder & first owner, identified by the same member code for the animals exhibited. Cattle owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the exhibitor of the breeders six head is the breeder & first owner of the included animal(s). Animals must be exhibited in individual classes. Cattle bred & owned by a junior member(s) may be included if the exhibitor of the breeders six head is an individual or married couple & is the parent or legal guardian of the junior member.

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