2023 Central Region 4-H Fun with Fashion
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2023 Central Region 4-H Fun with Fashion

Date: Monday, August 21, 2023
Registration: 1:30pm

Co-Chair: Michelle Matthews & Terri Orr

Premiums: 1st - $12, 2nd - $9, 3rd - $7


  1. Participants must be active 4-H members. Contact your TN Extension County 4-H Agent to register.
  2. The 4-H Fun with Fashion event provides practice of consumer purchasing skills
  3. Most of the outfit, including accessories, is to be purchased using the class scenario and budget provided. Shoes do not need to be new or count in the budget.
  4. Pre-registration is required. Fun with Fashion scenarios are available on the 4-H Fashion Show Events website: tiny.utk.edu/4HFashionEvents
  5. Each participant may participate in three classes max. 4-H members must submit a separate form for each class. Entry forms include the cost of the outfit and accessories. tiny.utk.edu/4HFashionEvents
  6. Judging is based on coordination and selection of ensemble as appropriate for the provided scenario and budget. Accessories are chosen, the appearance of outfit on the individual, and modeling ability will also be considered.
  7. Entries are taken through August 1. NO changes will be made on the day of the show.

Classes Scenarios:

Remember to use comparison shopping to check prices for the same or similar outfits in different stores. You may use thrift or consignment stores, yard sales, online re-sale apps, clothing rental sites, or subscription services! Keep up with your costs and savings and include this in your entry form.

Class 1: Athleisure Sports Wear Grades 4-5
Class 2: Casual Wear Grades 4-5
Class 3: Best Wear Grades 4-5
Class 4: Athleisure Sports Wear Grades 6-8
Class 5: Casual Wear Grades 6-8
Class 6: Best Wear Grades 6-8
Class 7: Casual Wear Grades 9-12
Class 8: Snappy Casual Grades 9-12
Class 9: Formal Wear Grades 9-12
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